Frequently asked questions

1. What is the Arts & Sciences Faire?
The Arts & Sciences Faire is a day of Arts & Sciences displays and discussions, held in the spring. It is intended as an opportunity for the artisans of Æthelmearc to show their work and get strong, positive feedback from others.


2. What does the Arts & Sciences Faire include?
The Arts & Sciences Faire will have a display area for those who only want to display their work. The display is open to anyone who likes to share their art. Preregistration is not required. There will also be the Queen’s Prize Tourney (QPT). More information on the QPT is listed below.

Up-to-date event information from our host may be found at the event calendar entry.


3. What is the Queen’s Prize Tourney?
Queen’s Prize Tourney (QPT) is a display of works by artisans who have attained a Grant Level Arts & Sciences award or under. In other words, anyone but Laurels may enter the QPT. Unlike most tourneys, however, there is no competition and there is no prize awarded. Instead, every entrant has a sponsor and the sponsor provides a gift to the entrant at the day’s end. The QPT is a day of displays and advising.

Each entrant will have a display of his work and each will be visited by one or two teams of advisors for one hour each during the day. This face-to-face advising is designed to give the entrant the opportunity to discuss their work with advisors who are Fleurs and/or Laurels. The QPT displays will also be open to the general public during the day. It’s a great opportunity to see what the up-and-coming artisans of Æthelmearc are doing.


4. How can I enter or sponsor an entrant?

You can register via web form:


4.1. How many entrants can I sponsor?
You can sponsor as many entrants as you please, although we suggest you limit yourself to no more than three entrants.


4.2. How can I sign up to be an advisor for the QPT?
Advisors for the QPT must be either Laurels or Fleurs. They must be ready to spend a few hours of their day advising the entrants in a series of face-to-face conversations. You may sign up via our advisor form to be an advisor.


5. Let’s say I don’t want to enter the QPT. Can I simply have a display at the Arts & Sciences Faire?
Yes, you can. We will set up an area separate from the QPT for displays. You do not have to preregister to bring something for the display.


6. But, I’m not an artisan. Will there be other activities at the event?
The event steward is planning other activities as well, please visit the official event calendar entry for more details.


7. Where can I find out more about the Arts & Sciences Faire and the Queen’s Prize Tourney?
Further questions Arts & Sciences Faire and the Queen’s Prize Tourney can be emailed to the Kingdom A&S Minister.


8. I have health concerns or am unable to join the event too. Can I still enter the QPT?
Yes, you can. We give everybody the opportunity to enter the Queen’s Prize Tourney virtually, please visit the official event announcement for more details.



On the Æthelmearc Arts & Sciences Faire and the Queen’s Prize Tourney:
1. The Arts & Sciences display is separate from the Queen’s Prize Tourney.
2. The Arts & Sciences display is open to all. No registration is needed. Just come, set up, and display your work.
3. The Queen’s Prize Tourney is open to all NON-Laurels.
4. The Queen’s Prize Tourney is by registration only.
5. For planning purposes, the registration closes April 18, at midnight, for in-person participation and April 11, at midnight, for virtual participation.




Feb 8, 2024 @ 8:15 pm