Ask Aunt Æthel!

Your FAQs answered by Aunt Æthel.

First Steps in A&S

Doing all the A&S! Learn more about Populace, Kingdom and out of Kingdom resources.

New to Research

Where to find stuff and how to write stuff down, with copious examples.

My First Competition

How to document efficiently, display effectively, as well as links to the Kingdom evaluation rubrics.



Are you new to the SCA and wondering who to be and what to wear? Check out the The Newcomers’ Guide to the SCA first, then have fun with the following resources:

Quick tips on Who to Be

The Kingdom of Æthelmearc Kingdom Herald, and our regional and local Heralds.

The Æthelmearc College of Heralds submission resources

What is in an SCA Name?

How to Document a Name.


Quick tips on What to Wear

The SCA Without Breaking the Bank – Tips on affordable ways to put together a costume (even if you can’t sew!), table wear, camping gear, archery & fighting equipment, etc.

Forward Into the Past – Pamphlet covers some basic patterns (official SCA publication)

Introduction to Garb – Quick tips on making men & women’s tunics, head-coverings, belts, and pouches by Mistress Cynthia du Pré Argent

Practical Worksheet for tunic construction – Detailed instructions on making a tunic or gown by Mistress Cynthia du Pré Argent

Making Medieval Clothes and Accessories – Articles and instructions on Medieval and Renaissance clothing, with links to costuming resources


Kit & Garb Facebook groups for help and inspiration

Show Your SCA Kit! An Unofficial SCA Group (public)

SCA Garb How-to (Unofficial) (private)

SCA Hacks (public)

Ugly Skirts and Fugly Beads (Bronze age through early Roman) (private)

SCA Celts/Early Period Cultures (600BCE-500CE) (private)

Dark Ages SCA (Post Roman Britain Discussion and Research) (public)

Æthelmearc Norse Meadhall (an unofficial SCA group) (public)

Vikings of the SCA (private)

SCA 14th Century Kit Group. A Unofficial SCA Group (public)

Reenactment Clothing and Textiles (private)



Dec 6, 2022 @ 10:22 pm